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Sadkow Airport (EPRA)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's
Live Departures & Arrivals
There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.
Departures History (last 12 months)
No departure history to display.
Arrivals History (last 12 months)
No arrival history to display.
Runway Information (Airport elevation: 625ft)
Runway | 07 | Length | 6,556ft | Width | 135ft | Elevation | 613ft | Surface | Bituminous | Heading | 75 |
Runway | 25 | Length | 6,556ft | Width | 135ft | Elevation | 613ft | Surface | Bituminous | Heading | 255 |
Airport Frequencies
Type | APP/DEP | Frequency | 128.675 Mhz |
Type | APP/DEP | Frequency | 129.000 Mhz |
Type | Ground | Frequency | 121.750 Mhz |
Type | Tower | Frequency | 118.430 Mhz |
Type | APP/DEP | Frequency | 125.055 Mhz |
Type | APP/DEP | Frequency | 128.805 Mhz |
Type | APP/DEP | Frequency | 129.380 Mhz |
Type | APP/DEP | Frequency | 135.930 Mhz |
Airport Navaids
No navaids to display.